Terms + Conditions


Cow Grazing

Board your cow with us: Get Grass fed beef

Beef prices are skyrocketing and access to food can be difficult in some places. Many individuals want to raise a beef cow to provide meat for their family but do not have access to land or the time to manage the animal. That’s where we come in.

Monthly Cow board-

Monthly cow board means that your cow will join our herd of beef cows and be moved daily to fresh pastures. At the end of 1 year or 18 months, we will transport the animal to the abatoir for processing.

Additional services

Cow Board- Payments in annual amounts- $900

Trailering- $2/mile

Breeding to our bull- $250

Vet fees- TBD

What other costs will I have?


Horse Boarding

Our commitment to what we do

Your horse is the most important thing to you. We will ensure that it is our priority as well. We believe adaptive grazing is the best way to feed horses. We do supplement with owner requested grain, but horses do better when they are allowed to have fresh, mature grass throughout the growing year.

Horses in their natual environment

We believe horses (herbivores) do best in their natural environment of a polyculture of grasses with other horses. We have warm and cool season grasses to sustain them year around and set pasture sizes daily for nutritional requirements. We offer portable shade for pastures, and winter barn boarding with hay. The result is a happier and healthier horse.


Adaptive grazing boarding starts at $595/month (30 day minimum). Owner provides feed that he/she would like horse to be fed. Due to the varieties of owner requests, we have an a la carte option of additional services that we can offer. In winter we typically will house horses up for up to 30 days during extreme weather to prevent weight loss and prevent damage to fields.

Additional services

  • Blanketing- $10/day

  • Horse holding (farrier, vet, dentist, etc)- $45/hour

  • Training rides- $30/ride or $700/month training

  • Trailering- $2.00/mile

  • Coaching- $60/lesson

  • Winter hay bale- $120/month (timothy or timothy/alflafa mix round bales depending on availability)

  • Show coaching- TBD


We believe that adaptive grazing is the best way to feed horses. It decreases stress, reduces gastric ulcer incidences, reduces risk for colic to almost zero, allows horses to choose the forage that is best for their needs at that time. We find horses behavior at their best when they are allowed to naturally graze all day.

We believe the risk for founder is extremely low since we graze on mature grasses. We feed hay during extreme weather in the winter months and for the first growth in spring. The fructan level in grass is at the highest at new growth and in order to decrease founder incidence, we reduce grazing access in the first few weeks of spring. With that being said, some horses may not

  • Horses who have chronic gastric ulcers

  • horses who have severe metabolic disorders which require owners control

If your horses have metabolic issues where they require a lot of medical support or grazing muzzles, preventing them from flourishing on native grasses, they would not be good candidates for adaptive grazing. We recommend you suggest you look elsewhere.